LEEF Supports Summer Reading 4 All

Leander Educational Excellence Foundation (LEEF) has raised over $17,000 for Leander ISD’s summer reading program since 2019. Leander ISD, in partnership with LEEF serves our students during the summer through our Summer Reading for All program #SR4A. Summer Reading for All helps keep our students reading during the summer and directly impacts students who may not otherwise have access to quality reading material. All levels of books and genres are available, including chapter books, picture books, non-fiction, fiction. 

Through funding from local donors, including Atmos Energy, Altrua Ministries, HEB, Hill Country Bible Church and grants from Dollar General Foundation, LEEF has been able to purchase books that were available to all students from any of Leander ISD’s 3 campus distribution locations: Running Brushy and Danielson Middle Schools and Reed Elementary. For many of our students the campus library is the only place they have access to books to read.

Funds were used to increase our Spanish books available, purchase of approximately 155 digital eBooks for its Sora library. Titles purchased included titles with high holds, new book releases that were published over  summer, along with popular genres and formats including graphic novels.

Literacy is a top initiative for LEEF and one of the goals for the summer reading program is to remind students and families about the benefits of reading in order to combat the summer learning slide. 

Host a Book Drive!

We are always in need of book donations, both new and gently used. Visit our Amazon Wish List and select books, email info@leeftx.org if you have gently used books to donate, or make a donation directly on LEEF’s donation page and we’ll shop for you. 


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