Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

For Educators


We empower educators

Apply for a LEEF Grant

LEEF grants are for all LISD staff and are awarded for instructional materials, teaching aids, campus projects, literacy programs, professional development, district initiatives and other items that can be used to expand the learning opportunities of the existing school curriculum and align with LEEF’s mission.

Applications may be submitted by any LISD  employee including teachers or a team of teachers, department heads, campus principal or assistant principal, or by administration. LEEF-funded programs should enhance, but not duplicate, the approved curriculum and always impact the students.

We look for innovative, creative ideas that fall outside the ordinary school budget, yet promise to augment the curricula in a meaningful way.

Funding Fun
Funding Fun

We empower educators

Apply for a LEEF grant

LEEF grants are for all LISD staff and are awarded for instructional materials, teaching aids, campus projects, literacy programs, professional development, district initiatives and other items that can be used to expand the learning opportunities of the existing school curriculum and align with LEEF’s mission.

Applications may be submitted by any LISD  employee including teachers or a team of teachers, department heads, campus principal or assistant principal, or by administration. LEEF-funded programs should enhance, but not duplicate, the approved curriculum and always impact the students.

We look for innovative, creative ideas that fall outside the ordinary school budget, yet promise to augment the curricula in a meaningful way.


LEEF has 3 grant cycles: an ongoing, year-round Professional Development grant, a Collaborative grant ($5,000) that is awarded at our Convocation in August and a fall Innovative grant ($500).  See below for the dates for grant cycles:


Collaborative Grants

Fall Innovative Grants

Professional Development Grants

Date Open

March 1, 2024

June 1, 2024


Due Date

May 17, 2024

August 11, 2024


Grant Awarded

Convocation August 2024

September 18, 2024

Throughout School Year


LEEF has 3 grant cycles: an ongoing, year-round Professional Development grant, a Collaborative grant ($5,000) that is awarded at our Convocation in August and a fall Innovative grant ($500).  See below for the dates for grant cycles:

How to Write a LEEF Grant

Collaborative Grants

Grant Amount: Up to $5,000

Collaborative Grants: Col-lab-o-ra-tive – produced or conducted by two or more parties working together.
Collaborative grants are designed to provide resources for programs and projects that make a district- or campus-wide impact. All applications must “collaborate” with two or more educators across a grade level, department, entire campuses, an academic department or feeder pattern with the goal to improve the educational experience or opportunities for Leander ISD students and/or staff. Grants will not be awarded for a program or conference that you’ve already attended.

The Leander Educational Excellence Foundation’s (LEEF) Collaborative Grant application is a once-a-year opportunity for Leander ISD educators to collaborate together and request up to $5,000 for educational resources and innovative programs that benefit an entire campus, academic department, or grade level.  These funds are for innovative teaching learning programs that take place during the school day and have potential to significantly impact student achievement.

  1. To be eligible for this funding, your project must directly impact:
    1. a Leander ISD program, a grade level within a campus, and/or subject area within a campus.
  2. Applications will be accepted from:
    1. a whole campus, a group of teachers at a campus (e.g. grade level or integrated team), a group of teachers or administrators from different campuses, or an administrator
  3. Applicant(s) review FAQ’s prior to submission.
  4. Please direct any questions to info@leeftx.org or call 512.570.0027
  1. Funding of up to $5,000 will be awarded per recipient.
  2. The size and number of awards will be determined by the amount of funds allocated by the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation.
  3. Each eligible application will be reviewed by an outside review committee that follows a scoring rubric representing the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation’s mission and vision. After reviewing the applications, the grant review committee will determine whether to fully fund, partially fund, or deny funds for the project.
  4. Funds must be expended within twelve months of being awarded the grant. Unused funds will return to LEEF.
  5. District procurement policies must be followed. Additionally, items that may be available through district, state, or federal funding will not be considered.
  1. grant report must be submitted within 30 days of completing the project.
  2. The recipients of each funded project may be requested to appear in impact videos and share photos regarding the impact of your award.

Click here to see our FAQs for grants. 

Fall Innovative Grants

Grant Amount: Up to $500

Innovative Teaching Grant: If you have a project based learning idea, need a new tool that would enhance your teaching skills and supplement your classroom learning, are in need of classroom supplies or new books for your library…we invite you to apply for the Innovative Teaching Grant. This grant is focused on the individual educator and improving his/her instructional skills.

The Leander ISD Educational Excellence Foundation (LEEF) created the Teaching Grant to help provide teachers with the development, resources and tools needed to most significantly impact student achievement through their individual teaching. The goal of this grant program is to directly support the needs of individual teachers. Grant funding opportunities occur two times each school year: fall and spring.

LEEF also offers a Collaborative Grant, which is designed to support larger projects (up to $5,000) across departments, grades or schools.  Information on each grant cycle will be emailed to all staff and posted on the LEEF website prior to each cycle’s beginning date.

  1. The Innovative Teaching Grant is available to current employees in good standing with LISD.
  2. Applicant(s) review FAQ’s prior to submission.
  3. Applications must be submitted through the web form below by 5:00pm (CST) on the due date listed. Please direct any questions to info@leeftx.org or call 512.570.0027.

Proposals should directly impact the applicant teacher, his/her advanced development as a teacher or his/her classroom instruction (or his/her department). The primary goal in selecting awardees is to support teachers seeking to develop as a professional educator or implement new, innovative pedagogy or programs.  Secondarily, and where feasible, the funding may provide materials for the classroom.  The ultimate impact on the education of students and impact on student learning is also considered.

  1. Funding of up to $500 will be awarded per recipient.
  2. Each eligible application will be reviewed by a group of judges representing LEEF. After reviewing the applications, the grant review committee will determine whether to fully fund, partially fund, or deny funds for the project.
  3. Funds must be expended within 12 months of being awarded. Unexpended funds are returned to LEEF.
  4. District procurement policies must be followed. ALL materials purchased with grant funds are the property of LISD.
  1. grant report must be submitted within 30 days of completing the project.
  2. The recipient of each funded project may be requested to provide a short presentation about the project to the LEEF Board of Directors.

Click here to see our FAQs for grants. 

Professional Development Grants

Grant Amount: Up to $1,000

Professional Development Grants: This grant is designed for all educators that desire any professional development training or workshops throughout the year. LEEF funds registrations for in-state professional development along with travel and hotel fees on a case by case basis.

The Leander ISD Educational Excellence Foundation (LEEF) created the Professional Development Grant to help provide teachers professional development needed throughout the entire school year necessary to help them make the most impact on student achievement.  The goal of this grant program is to allow all educators the ability to engage in professional development any time during the calendar year rather than having to wait for particular grant cycles. Grant funding opportunities occur each month beginning in August and ending in May. 

All LISD educators can request up to $1,000 individually, across departments, grades or schools.  Information on each grant cycle will be emailed to all staff and posted on the LEEF website prior to each cycle’s beginning date.

  1. The Professional Development Grant is available to current employees in good standing with LISD.
  2. Applicant(s) review FAQ’s prior to submission.
  3. Applicant(s) must not have an outstanding prior grant report due with LEEF.
  4. Applications must be submitted through the web form below by 5:00pm (CST) on the due date listed. Please direct any questions to info@leeftx.org or call 512.570.0027.
  1. Funding of up to $1000 will be awarded per recipient.
  2. Each eligible application will be reviewed by a group of judges representing LEEF. After reviewing the applications, the grant review committee will determine whether to fully fund, partially fund, or deny funds for the project.
  3. Funds must be expended within 12 months of being awarded. Unexpended funds are returned to LEEF.
  4. District procurement policies must be followed. 
  5. LEEF will pay for in-state travel and conference fees. 
  1. grant report must be submitted within 30 days of completing the project.
  2. The recipient of each funded project may be requested to provide a short presentation about the project to the LEEF Board of Directors.

Click here to see our FAQs for grants. 

Grant Do’s and Dont's Updated

Book Portable

As part of its early literacy priority initiative, the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation (LEEF) maintains a book portable of gently used books that are donated all year round. We have books for all age groups from infant up to High School and a limited number of Spanish. The books can be requested by any Leander ISD staff member, including all campuses, PTA/PTO and student groups and activities.

The LEEF team will make every effort to fulfill your book needs and will approve requests on a case-by-case basis based on our current book supply.

The books are gently, used donated books, therefore LEEF is unable to provide specific titles.

Please submit your request by clicking the button below to complete the form at least 30 business days before the books are needed. If you require your books sooner you’ll have to make arrangements with LEEF to pick them up, LISD facilities requires a minimum of 2 weeks to deliver.

Do you have books you’d like to donate to LEEF? Please email us at info@leeftx.org and we’ll make arrangements to collect your books. Alternatively you can drop them off at Leander ISD Admin Offices at 204 W. South Street in Leander.

If you would like to support our book portable and help us restock check out our Amazon Wish List. Currently we need Pre-K and Kindergarten books and all grades in Spanish.